Becoming Neater : A messy girl’s confession

I’m a messy person.

There, I said it. It’s not easy for me to admit, I like things neat, sure I do. I like the calm and peace that I feel when I walk into a clean room or open a perfectly organized cabinet. However, I am still a messy person. I know where my shoes are when one is in the bathroom and the other is under the bed, I know what clothes are clean and which are dirty even when they are all on the floor. I will make space if there is too much clutter rather than putting things away, I am a messy person, and I’ve always hated it.

I’m not a slob, sure my clothes are on the floor and my table might have mail from the last 6 months on it, but I don’t consider myself a pig. All of my things are clean and I don’t like filth, my counters are sanitized and my cat’s litter box cleaned, but I can’t stop the mess.

I always thought that it would easy to become a clean person when I grew up, but it’s not. I’m still messy and I have to try to break that mold.

So I’m going to make some posts on becoming neater, because along with becoming tinier I will have to become neater, and I will have to work to achieve that.

Step one is eliminate the obvious; throwing out the garbage, sorting the laundry and getting rid of stuff I don’t need.

Step two is clean all the things; put away, find a home, organize and sort.

Step three is maintenance; (this is the step I hate), keeping things clean once they have been cleaned.

I’m working on placing this pattern into my home and daily life. Our first stop was the kitchen, I will write a post about how well our kitchen purge has worked and how we are working to maintain the clean.

Until next time folks!


2 thoughts on “Becoming Neater : A messy girl’s confession

  1. Good luck on the journey! As a fellow messy who is now (relatively) neat after moving to a smaller apartment, I know one thing that helps: storage space! And storage ideas and clever storage space and ideas. The tiny homes I see all have amazing storage solutions. I’m here to cheer you on!


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